Now that you have the details, make sure you are prepared to safely enjoy the solar eclipse. “Never look directly at the sun, even when it’s partially covered by the moon,” says Dr. Jason Stahl, Durrie Vision. “The sun’s UV rays can burn the retinas in your eyes, causing permanent damage or even blindness. If you’re planning to view the total or partial eclipse, appropriate eye protection is a must.”
For a safe viewing experience, follow the simple tips below.
1. Only look directly at the uneclipsed or partially eclipsed sun through special solar filters, i.e. “eclipse glasses,” that are ISO-certified. Please note that several counterfeit glasses are flooding the market. Here are a couple resources for ensuring compliance: How to Tell if Your Eclipse Glasses or Solar Viewers are Safe
Reputable Vendors of Eclipse Glasses and Solar Viewers
2. Never look at the uneclipsed or partially eclipsed sun through a telescope, binoculars, or an unfiltered camera
3. Inspect your solar filter before each use; discard if scratched or damaged
4. Cover your eyes with the solar filter before looking up at the sun
5. Similarly, always look away from the sun before removing your filter
6. Supervise children using solar filters to ensure their glasses remain in position while viewing the eclipse
Here’s a quick list of what’s safe and what’s not safe for viewing the upcoming solar eclipse:
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